Your Local Area Network for Technology Solutions

2024 was our 40th Year serving the Technology Community in Austin!

The Technology Advisors Group is a network of technologists, service providers and business leaders interested in growing our technology based economy and building stronger companies through personal interaction, applying information, expertise and successful experience to problem solving.

We invite you to attend our next meeting on Friday, April 25, 2025 and get to know us!

Upcoming Meetings

April Meeting Summary:
Friday, April 25, 2025 8:00 AM
Details will be available soon.
Meeting Agenda
  • 11:30 AM to 12 Noon - Networking and Pizza/Salad
  • 12 Noon to 12:10 PM - Announcements and Introductions
  • 12:10 PM to 1:00 PM - Panel Session and Car Showcase
  • Pizza and Salad will be provide and an offering basket for contributions. Please reserve in advance for us to know how much food to provide.

Please make your reservations early and before the cutoff!

This program is a continuing part of TAG's focus on innovative new technology based businesses that provide a glimpse of the area's economic future.

Our meetings will inform you on how to start, grow, and become successful; and will introduce you to resources who can help you in your entrepreneurial path.

We look forward to seeing you on the last Friday of every month.

April Meeting Details:
More details will be available soon.
May Meeting Summary:
Friday, May 30, 2025 8:00 AM
Details will be available.
June Meeting Summary:
Friday, June 27, 2025 8:00 AM
Details will be available.


Reserving a place for our next meeting

To allow us to plan the meeting, reservations for the April meeting must be submitted before:  Thursday, April 24, 2025 7:00 PM

STEP ONE is to complete the required information in the form and click the 'Submit' button.

Our on-line meetings have no fee.

Step One
Complete Reservation form for Friday, April 25, 2025, meeting.
 * We will never share your email with anyone else.
 * Please help us by telling what prompted you to reserve today.
 * To prove you are not a robot, please enter the 6 character city where this group normally meets.
Step Two

After registering, please visit our Slack group (sign-up below) to offer questions/comments to our presenter(s) so they can better prepare for interacting with the group.

About TAG

Social Media

While this website and associated emails serve as the primary communication channels for TAG events, we encourage our community to participate in Social Media by 'following' or 'liking' us. You can receive emails by visiting the 'Contact' section of this site. Reservations and payments for our meetings are only accepted at this website

Tag Slack Channel is a way to communicate with speakers, board, and other TAG members. Use this link to join this Slack channel to participate.

LinkedIn is the primary media site for professional interactions, and TAG has a LinkedIn Group. Click the button to visit the group and join and re-post information about our meetings to your LinkedIn community.

Mission Statement

The Technology Advisors Group facilitates economic growth within Austin by providing a forum for the exchange of information and ideas between Austin's business to business professionals and the high tech community.

Vision Statement

A network of service providers and business leaders interested in growing our technology based economy and building stronger companies through personal interaction, applying information, expertise and successful experience to problem solving.

The People to Meet

The TAG membership is broad based and includes a wide range of professionals from CEO's to research engineers involved in leading edge technology representing the technical and supporting service sectors. TAG's membership represents Austin's wide cross-section of technology companies from biomedical researchers to semiconductor manufacturers; every high technology industry is represented. Our membership include startups, established name brands, and venture capitalists. If you need to know the latest in technology, you need to know the members of TAG.


TAG membership does not require dues, fees, or an application process. Anyone attending a TAG meeting is considered a member. Members are encouraged to identify themselves on LinkedIn so others can connect outside of TAG meetings.


TAG is administered by a volunteer board and selects speakers based on technical interest and is not focused on selling or promoting specific products. Our costs are covered by breakfast fees and a limited number of sponsors. Since the costs of the catered breakfast has to be committed before the meeting, we have the policy that reservations must be pre-paid, and receive a discount over those arriving without a reservation.

The Speakers to Hear

The TAG speakers program is one of the finest in the country featuring current topics related to high technology industries. Each speaker brings a unique perspective to the program and each attendee has an opportunity to learn something new. Many emerging technologies are discussed publicly for the first time at TAG meetings. From AMD to IBM, TAG keeps the right speakers coming month in and month out. We don't limit ourselves just to CEO's and techno-wizards. Service providers that support the high technology community are also invited to present programs. This diverse speaker line up keeps our guests and members coming back. Every member has an opportunity to participate. We provide you with the forum you need to get your message out. Members are encouraged to share innovations and ideas in a friendly, relaxed, noncompetitive environment.


Tag Sponsorship offers companies an opportunity to get their name in front of key technology leaders in the Austin community. Click here to read the TAG Sponsorship document: Sponsorship

TAG: A Brief History

In 1984, ABB (Austin Before the Bust), two attorneys believed that somewhere within Austin's "Next Silicon Valley" hoopla there was a nugget of reality... click here.

The Group to Attend Each Month

TAG is Austin's oldest most prestigious Technology focused organization. No other venue exists with such a diverse membership. If you want to know where high technologies are going and hear it from the people that make it happen, you will want to be a TAG member! Technologies are changing at an alarming rate and we are all affected by these changes. If you want to keep up with the movers and shakers in Austin's high technology community, come see what TAG has to offer.


Click here to read the TAG By-laws document: By-Laws

Board Of Directors
Jeanne Teshler, President
Senior Executive, Health Tech

Bob Ascott, Past President & Web-Wonk
Ascott Business Advisors, LLC

Bill Kleinebecker, Programs
Strategic Pathways

Randy Hill, Treasurer
Hilltop Enterprises

Chris Oddo, Past President
Tower Commercial

Doug Norton, Programs

Cindy Brummer, Programs
Standard Beagle>

Contact Us

Technology Advisors Group

Austin, Texas

Jeanne Teshler, President
Senior Executive, Health Tech

Subscribe to our Email List

We’ll send you periodic announcements about our meetings and other special events. And don’t worry, we won't share your email address with anyone.


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