Upcoming Meetings
March Meeting Summary:
- When: Friday, March 28, 2025 11:30 am
- Who: Panel of 3 EV car companies
- Where: Calavista Software; 9225 Bee Caves Rd Building A, Suite 350, Austin, TX 78733 Map Link Here
Summary: Rev Up for the Future: Classic Cars Go Electric at TAG's EV Conversion Panel!
If the future is electric cars, what about the cars we already have, including our favorite vintage and classic cars?
Wonder no more. TAG will host a panel with 3 of Austin's EV conversion companies and talk about just that concept.
Pizza and Salad will be provided with a 'contribution box' -- Please reserve to ensure we have an accurate count. - Calendar Link
Meeting Agenda
- 11:30 AM to 12 Noon - Networking and Pizza/Salad
- 12 Noon to 12:10 PM - Announcements and Introductions
- 12:10 PM to 1:00 PM - Panel Session and Car Showcase
- Pizza and Salad will be provide and an offering basket for contributions. Please reserve in advance for us to know how much food to provide.
Please make your reservations early and before the cutoff!
This program is a continuing part of TAG's focus on innovative new technology based businesses that provide a glimpse of the area's economic future.
Our meetings will inform you on how to start, grow, and become successful; and will introduce you to resources who can help you in your entrepreneurial path.
We look forward to seeing you on the last Friday of every month.
March Meeting Details:

What's more -- they're going to bring examples! So if you ever wanted to see a classic car converted into an electric machine, this is your chance.
Join us in learning more about EV conversions of gas cars from Moment Motors & Flash Drive Motors, and learn how Current EV Motors is supporting the EV conversion community.
Social Media
While this website and associated emails serve as the primary communication channels for TAG events, we encourage our community to participate in Social Media by 'following' or 'liking' us. You can receive emails by visiting the 'Contact' section of this site. Reservations and payments for our meetings are only accepted at this website
Tag Slack Channel is a way to communicate with speakers, board, and other TAG members. Use this link to join this Slack channel to participate.
LinkedIn is the primary media site for professional interactions, and TAG has a LinkedIn Group. Click the button to visit the group and join and re-post information about our meetings to your LinkedIn community.